

【学术报告】赵剑锋博士,英国诺森比亚大学 —— Rethinking Value for Money in Public Private Partnerships

时间:2023年06月29日 10:14    来源:     点击:

TitleRethinking Value for Money in Public Private Partnerships


时间地点:2023年6月30日,下午3:00 厚兴楼(综合实验三号楼)209会议室


This talk will focus on the nebulous value for money (VfM) concept and its widely-criticised use in justifying the adoption of Public Private Partnerships for transport infrastructure projects. Instead of diving directly into the modelling part, it asks the fundamental question: what is value for money? On this basis, a dynamic VfM assessment process will be explained in terms of how a procurement method can be appropriately selected for transport projects, and how their VfM is assessed throughout the project lifecycle. This will present an opportunity for governments to recognise public VfM in transport interventions, shift their mindset from singular to multi-dimensional evaluation, and start to actually accumulate and exploit experience from past projects.

Bio of the speaker

